Saturday 9 September 2017

I Am Done...

I’m done fighting for a spot in people’s lives.
I’m done trying to reach out, trying to make plans, trying to check in, only to be left with “seen at” time stamps, which just scream “you don’t mean enough for me to respond, you’re not really that significant in my life for me to make time for you.”
I’m done having people tell me how special I am, how lucky they are to have me in their life, only be left wondering how I could possibly mean so much to someone when their actions speak far louder than their words.
I’m done being thoughtful, remembering significant events, sending out the good-lucks for job interviews, the congratulations for special events, only to wake up on my own important days to a lock screen with no message notifications, no one remembering me, no one thinking of me.
I’m done being the friend that would move heaven and earth to be there for others, to make time, but in return I end up alone. I feel like nothing I put out into the world is reciprocated. It exhausts me. It tires my heart.
So, for now, I’m done putting in the effort.
I’m done trying to fight for a spot in people’s lives when no one ever needs to fight for a spot in mine. I’m going to put all of my energy into building myself up, into appreciating who I am. I’m going to be my own biggest supporter for once. I am not going to waste my love any longer.

Agar Tum Sath Ho Soul Reprise ⤵️⤵️

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