Thursday 27 October 2022

We should talk

" I never want you to think your life is ruined because you screwed up. I never want you to think because you missed an opportunity you are destined to a terrible life. You don’t ruin your life because you play it safe. You don’t ruin your life because things unfold differently than an #inspo movie would have you believe. You don’t even ruin your life by settling.


Because there is no such thing as a ruined life.

To say that is to devalue thousands, probably millions of lives.

We take detours. Passions evolve. Dreams change. And just because something you wanted to happen didn’t happen doesn’t mean your life is somehow ruined.

There will be times in your life when you listen to outside opinions more than your own heart. There will be moments you stay quiet instead of speaking your mind. There will be missed opportunities. There will be regrets.

And yes, there will be multiple failures. Because you’re human. Because you’re flawed and awesome and there’s no blueprint on how to live out your life.

Your life is the only one you’ve got. And on days it feels in shambles, it’s okay to cry or be frustrated. On days it feels like a never-ending victory, cherish it. Try to remember the impermanence of everything. Everything ebbs and flows.

The only way you ruin your life is by believing you did. " (via arieastman)

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